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Healthy Minds


Harmony and its community partners offer a variety of mental health services for those needing additional help or just someone to talk to regarding COVID-19 anxiety or stress.

Our local Education Service Center has also set up additional resources for you including a 24/7 Mental Health Support line for COVID-19 through the Harris Center areas outside of Houston can reach this helpline at 833-986-1919.

Those resources can all be found here: Safe and Healthy Schools – COVID-19

Mental Health America has compiled multiple resources to assist you during this time including a 24/7 Crisis Text Line.

Those resources can be found here: Mental Health and COVID-19.

Additionally, the Texas Education Agency has created a resource document for mental health needs related to COVID-19. This document can be viewed or downloaded here.

Finally, Harmony Public Schools is sharing all of its system-wide information on COVID-19 response at